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Template Kit

What is a Template Kit?

A Template Kit is a collection of pre-designed templates or layouts with starter content that share a cohesive visual style. To start with, Template Kits are only available for Elementor. 

Template Kits can be used to build a website with WordPress and they are an alternative to the multipurpose and niche themes that we offer on ThemeForest. 

You still require a base theme or starter theme in order to run your WordPress website. We recommend the Hello theme or WP Pagebuilder Framework, both are free in the WordPress theme directory. 


To explore Template Kits on ThemeForest, click here.

To explore Template Kits on Elements, click here.

A page builder such as Elementor is used in conjunction with WordPress to build effective and professional looking websites with minimum hassle and complexity. Page builders help professionals by improving their existing workflow. 

On ThemeForest, you can download and unzip the file and import one template at a time using the import tool in Elementor. 

For less experienced users, you can download and use our import plugin for a guided user experience. Click here to download the plugin.  

For items on Elements, you can download the Envato Elements WordPress Extension. Click here to download the plugin. 

If you’re experiencing errors when importing a template kit, click here.  

If you need assistance on how to import a Template Kit, click here.


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